city of Brovary, Ukraine. Edited as of 01/01/2024

These RULES FOR USING THE SITE (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) govern the relationship between ZEMYK LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (Code under EDRPOU 38897347), as the administrator of the site, and any an individual and/or a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as the User) regarding the use of the website

In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings:

"Site" is the Internet site available at the address (having the domain name) or its subdomains

"User of the Site (hereinafter referred to as the User)" is an adult, legally competent natural person and/or legal entity and/or natural person-entrepreneur who has entered the Site and uses this site under the conditions specified in these Rules.

"Internet store" or "Seller" - "ZEMYK" LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (Code under EDRPOU 38897347).

Provision of personal data (hereinafter referred to as Personal Data) — actions aimed at disclosing Personal Data to a certain person or a certain group of persons.

"Product" - for weighing or its components, which is intended for business activities, information about which is posted on the Site.


The User of the Site, when providing by filling out any application, request, form on the Site or providing in any other way his personal data or continuing to use the Site, acting freely, of his own will and in his own interests, as well as confirming his legal capacity, provides the Internet store, consent to the processing of my personal data and receiving information through communication channels, including advertising messages using SMS messages, messengers, social networks or e-mail addresses, and I confirm that I am familiar with (a) the purpose of processing personal data and rights, provided in accordance with Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" (hereinafter - Consent), with the following conditions.
This Consent is given to the processing of personal data, both without the use of automation tools and with their use.
Consent is given to the processing of the User's personal data that he provides while using the Site, including data related to determining the User's location, the IP address from which the User entered, information from cookies, information about the browser (or other program that accesses the site); access time to the User's website; addresses of pages visited by the User; referrers (address of the User's previous page), as well as other information that the User considers necessary to provide, or which is mandatory to provide under the Law. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when sending the offer (ordering).
2.4. Personal data is collected for the purpose of: serving the User's requests and applications; maintaining communication with the User; sending information, including advertising information (messages) to the e-mail, phone number, postal address, etc. specified by the User. including by sending advertising, service and newsletters; provision of services to the User; sale of goods to the User; concluding a contract with the User and its execution; establishing feedback with the User, including the direction of messages, requests related to the use of the site, provision of services, processing of requests and applications from the User; determining the location of the User, the IP address from which the User entered, information from cookies, information about the browser (or other program that accesses the site); access time to the User's website; addresses of pages visited by the User; referrers (address of the User's previous page)

2.5. The basis for processing personal data is: the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", other laws and subordinate legal acts that regulate relations in the field of personal data protection; PRIVACY AND PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICY posted on the Site.

2.6. During the processing of personal data, the following actions may be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating), extraction, use, transfer, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction.

2.7. The user has the right to refuse to receive information through communication channels, including advertising messages, as well as consent to the processing of personal data by sending a written statement to the online store to the following address: Ukraine, 07400, Kyiv region, Brovary, str. . 13 Sichovyh Striltsiv, however, understands that the Seller will store such information within the framework of tax and other applicable legislation of Ukraine.

2.8. Consent is valid all the time until the moment of termination of personal data processing.

2.9. The user confirms that he accepts the above

terms and conditions and is familiar with the PRIVACY POLICY AND PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA.


3.1. By using the Site, the User automatically agrees to all the rules and conditions set forth on the Site. If the User for any reason does not agree with the rules and conditions specified on the site, he should not use its features and immediately stop using it.

3.2. By using the site, the User agrees that the prices and description of the Goods may be changed by the Seller. The final price is indicated in the Seller's payment invoice, which is sent in response to the User's order. If there are discrepancies in the information about the Product between the information posted on the Site and the technical documentation provided with the Product, the User must use the information specified in the technical documentation for the Product. The Seller has the right, without prior notice to the User, to make changes to the information posted on the Site at any time.

3.3. The User has no right to demand from the Seller any documents that are not provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine. In the event that the User applies to the Seller, a separate contract is concluded with such a person, including in a simplified form with the preparation of the necessary documents in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

3.4. Property rights to the content of these Rules and other texts, as well as to other content posted on the Site, belong to the Seller and are protected in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


4.1. The information contained on the Site is not an offer (offer) of the Seller, but is only an invitation to the User to submit an offer (offer) for the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth in the order and according to the rules (conditions) posted on the Site.

4.2. The user can make an offer (offer) to enter into a sales contract by placing an order on the Site or by calling the phone number indicated on the Site. The Seller warns the User that the conversation will be recorded in order to improve the conditions of service provision, as well as to record the User's order by phone. By placing an order, the User confirms that he agrees with all the terms and conditions that he noted when placing the order and that are indicated on the Site.

4.3. The Seller's confirmation (acceptance) of the User's Offer is the Seller's actual actions to fulfill the conditions specified in the User's order, namely the issuing of an invoice for payment of the Goods. The goods are shipped only after full prepayment according to the payment invoice issued by the Seller.

4.4. The user can place an order in the online store by phone during the working hours and days indicated on the Site.

4.5. The user who places an order through the Site makes an order by selecting the Product that interests him. Adding the Product to the order is carried out by selecting the "BUY" command (button) under the given Product presented on the Store's Website. After completing the entire order and specifying the delivery method in the "BASKET", the Client places the order by sending the order form to the Seller, selecting the "Place ORDER" button on the page. Every time before sending the order to the Seller, the User receives information about the total cost of the selected Product. The User understands and agrees that delivery is not included in the price of the Product and is paid by the User according to the tariffs and rules of the carrier that made the delivery.

4.6. The order made in the online store must contain the following data: name of the business entity, code according to the EDRPOU of the business entity, name and surname of the contact person (representative), place of delivery, method of delivery, name of the product, number of items, price of the product .

4.7. The Seller has the right to refuse to fulfill the User's order unilaterally by notifying him about it at the email address that was specified by the User during the order placement. In this case, the Seller returns the funds to the User, if they have already been paid.

4.8. The Seller may offer the User different terms of the Purchase Agreement than those specified by the User when placing the order, in which case the Seller's offer will be considered a counter offer, and the User's acceptance of it (acceptance) will be considered the receipt or payment of the Goods on the terms of the counter offer offers depending on which action comes first.

4.9. The user guarantees that all the data specified by him when placing the order are true. In the event that the User specifies inaccurate information when placing an order, the Seller is not responsible for additional losses that may occur to the User, for example, if the customer specified inaccurate information regarding the name of the business entity, the code according to the EDRPOU, the place of delivery, the method of delivery, the name of the product, the quantity positions and others.

4.10. After decorated

of the order, the Seller sends confirmation of its shipment to the e-mail address specified by the Customer.

4.11. The terms of the concluded contracts are regulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.


5.1. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the procedure provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine.

5.2. The Seller is not responsible for the actions of carriers (transport companies) who delivered the Goods to the User who placed the order.

5.3. In case of force majeure, the parties are exempted from fulfilling the terms of this Agreement. Circumstances of force majeure for the purposes of this Agreement mean events of an extraordinary, unavoidable, unpredictable nature that exclude or objectively prevent the performance of this Agreement, the occurrence of which the parties could not foresee and prevent by reasonable measures. The parties must immediately notify the other Party of the occurrence of force majeure.

5.4 The terms and conditions specified on the Site may be changed by the Seller at any time, including after the order has been accepted for execution. Changes made by the Seller to the conditions, rules or other information on the site come into force from the moment they are posted on the site. The Seller is not obliged to additionally inform the User about changes to the terms, rules or other information on the Site.

5.5. The Seller's responsibility for changes in the terms of purchase of the Goods compared to those indicated on the Site is limited to the fact that the User who placed the order has the right to refuse the purchase of the Goods and demand from the Seller the return of the funds paid for them (if they were actually paid by the Buyer before the handing over of the Goods).