The terms and definitions used in these terms and conditions, as well as other terms, are specified in the TERMS OF USE OF THE SITE, which are located at

All conditions regarding the exchange and return of the Goods under warranty are agreed by the business entity (legal entity or natural person-entrepreneur) separately, by concluding a delivery contract in written or simplified form.

The goods listed on the site are intended for business activities and are not intended for individuals. By purchasing the Product, the User agrees that he will use this Product only in business activities.

The warranty period is 12 (twelve) months from the moment of delivery of the Goods.

Refusal of warranty service:

Warranty repairs may be refused for the following reasons:

operating rules are violated;
the repair of the product was carried out by the User himself or by an unauthorized manufacturer/importer service center, i.e. there are traces of intervention in the design of the product;
the product, which is intended for personal or household needs, was used in the production sphere or such that does not correspond to its direct purpose;
the presence of traces of liquid, insects and other foreign objects inside the product;
the serial number has been changed, erased or cannot be established;
mechanical and other damage caused by external factors;
electrical damage to nodes, parts of the product, resulting from power surges in the network, incorrect connections, incorrect selection of the power supply voltage;
damage caused by the use of non-original consumables, spare parts not provided by the manufacturer;
the warranty does not cover consumables (components that require periodic replacement during product operation);
as well as in other cases provided for by the legislation of Ukraine and/or the technical documentation provided together with the Product.